Tuesday, November 27, 2018

English languaje classes

Hello everyone!

Finally... This is the last post... It is been a long time since I started blogging, and it was an amazing experience, but everything good has to end soon...

During the beginning of this semester I started doing these blogs. First of all because the teacher of english told me to do so and they were evaluated at the final day of the class.  In the first blog I felt opossed to do any blog, I found them like the most boring thing to do in class... but after some weeks, I started caring less and less about the blogs, and started writing more about me in the blogs (of course, a story of me that matched the topic of the week), and the same happened during the English classes.

During the first month of classes, my classmates were so irregular that I found it really strange to be able to have confidence to practice my English, and it lead to a point that - I do not really know the circunstances- almost everyone leaved the course!  And, because of that, The only "classmate" I had was the teacher! I had no other choice that improve as fast as I can to try to, at least, have a fluid conversation with someone that is an expert of English, but, due to I had a whole year without practicing English (almost), some of the basic vocabulary I learnt before started to be "erased from my mind" and I forgot lots of words!  It was horrible... but, thanks to the help of wordreference I started remembering all the words I needed to use.

During almost a whole month I had particular classes, and I felt really great. I think that I improved a lot in terms of the modulation and speaking, but at the same time kind of lonely to not be able to learn English with a classmate or a "friend" of my generation. But, putting that aside, I really enjoyed the English class, and as a recommendation, I strongly recomend to have English classes in groups of 12 people of maximum, because I believe that learning a Language with less people will make those students be better at it than doing it with a big group (thing that happens in the basic courses, por example, English A1 or A2) and also, it is the standard that some English institutes have.

It is been a long and good time writing posts, and I think this is the longest post I ever made before...

And that's it!
I'm very thankfull for the oporunity to express myself using post, and.. See ya in the future!

My future job

Hello everyone!

This is the penultimate post that I will do for this semester in the English Class... so... let's talk about the future and, even better, my future job!

 Because I am studying forestry at University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, I - hopefully- expect to have my degree in about three years more, and then... I will have to choose where I will go.

Forestry here in Chile has a really wide range of options to work in, starting with the minering, doing some papers to the mining company about the differents impacts that, for example, will have an expansion of a wall of debris to be able to be filled with more of waste; or a forestry company, doing different magements to the different aspects that has a plantation, like roads, the trees and their intervals between one and other, or if they are going to need water depending on the place -geographically speaking- that the plantation is located and the season that is ocurring at that time; or in a consultant company, that can work for any company that require some forestry experts to analyze a place and decide if a proyect the main company is doing is indeed possible without tresspasing any enviroment law; or working with the government in different projects to understand more about plants and their habits; and even more!

From all those different works, I would like to work with the mining companies and doing, at the same time (if it is possible) research about the differents plants and their direct management in the field like the distance of distribution to get the best of an expression (for exmaple, the best of height, or diameter, or quantity of seeds and so on)

That's all for now... Cya !

Friday, November 23, 2018


Hello everyone !
Finally we're at the end of the year! there're only few weeks remaining to end the year, and obviusly, the english classes too.

Today's post, as the title says will be about animals.

I really like animals, I believe that they are really important to the people and to the ecosystem.
Some of them are really big, like hippopotamus and giraffes, and others really small, like ants or bees. other animals are really "dangerous" like lions or tigers and others are really harmless like bunnies or parrots.

From all the possible animals that exist, there are two species that I like the most. They are the Siberian husky and the Golden retriever.  They are from the big group of dogs, and those are dogs that I love just for existing.

The Siberian husky is, for me, the most beautiful dog ever, it is really close to wolves in terms of physical apparence, and in a big percentage genetically spreaking.  Some of the qualities that I love from huskys is that they have their own personality, and some dogs are really derp, and I love it.

The golden retriever is a dog that I really like, because they are really loyal, funny, derps too, they have their own nature and they are like a child in a body of a man.  They actually care about how are you feeling and they like kids!  If I ever want to have children, I think that I MUST buy a golden retriever.

That's all for now, Cya next week!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Changes i'd make to the study programme

Hello my fellow bloggers!

It's been two weeks from the last post (because I forgot to do it :c ) and today's blog will be about the things i'd change from my actual study programme.

First of all I'm studying foresty at Universidad de Chile.  Here in my career, there's a lot of assesments that I'd pull up from it, because I think they're useless (Leadership workshop II) or unnecesary (Math III) or they have a horrible structure (Oratory and comunication; Ecosystem's biometry and Statistics II) and other classes I'd change them to early years (Technical writing). and others that I think they're a key to forestry, like Foresy measurement, Forest inventory and Forest. management.

All the teachers says that those subjects are really important but nobody wants to teach them.  They say "(bla bla bla) and then you should apply -a thing related to the course-, but that's from forest measurement and you should see it in higher courses. So, let's keep going." And we never actually see it!

About the subjects that have bad structure, I'm almost complete certain that it's because the teachers feel uncomfortable with them. Mybe it can be because they don't like it; that isn't their specialization or something like that.

I think that our study programme has to have differents languajes courses to be able to not only speak in spanish or english but french or german too (because some papers that we use while studying are written in those languajes)

And that's all for now, see you next week! Bye!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Climate Change

Hello everyone, I'm here again.

Today's post, as the title says, will be about the climate change.

It is a really difficult toppic in lots of ways, because nowadays there's a discussion between one of the most imporntat governments in the world and the scientific community because, the president of that country (United States of america) says that the climate change is fake news, that it's something invented by crazy people, and, ond the other hand, the scientific community have legal evidence made by tons of experiments that the climate change is real, that it's actually increasing the damage on the Earth.

From my point of view (I'm studying forestry at Universidad de Chile), it is a huge problem, because, because, as an initiated in science, I beilebe that most of the studies made of climate change and published in  are true because they have a rock-solid base and experimentation.

Some of the possible solutions I can think of are:
1-. Reducing our levels of atmosferic contamination by changing our Diesel and gas usage into electricity
2-. Making inorganic things as durable as possible (talking about technology)
3-. Recicle as much products as we can and stop the usage of plastic bags
4-. (maybe it would sound really crazy) Search a way to decrease the human population.

That's it for this week. Cya!

Friday, October 12, 2018


Hello my fellow bloggers

Today's topic will be about Videogames... something that I really really love.

 Videogames, for the people of 1990's are something with what we were born, something with (lots of people including my friends and I) what we started approaching to English and killing free time while our mothers were making the dinner or lunch, or what we started playing when all of our homework was done.
(First videogame ever made: Bertie the brain)

Videogames, for some people, means a lot, even more than their lives.  Behind every Videogame ever made, there is a hundred of thousand of hours of coding, modeling, compilating and thinking of what the developer team will do with the technology, resources and information/experience they have, in what all that effort will be transformed and if it will be enough good to make people want to buy it and enjoy it as much as it costed to make it.

(Pong at the left and Tetris in the right)

From the first videogame ever made (Bertie the brain, a kind of tic-tac-toe but in a machine), to the culturally recognized first game ever made (pong) to the tetris 1984 or GTA San Andreas (2004) the game masters (developers) had to put a tons of effort to make the best game ever possible to that date.

I really enjoy when a game is well-made, because it means that lots of people gave their best to make someting really special and unique. and I believe that that's the most important thing of all... being unique, making something special and giving the best to make it as perfect as possible.

That's all for now. cYa next week!

Friday, October 5, 2018

My best holiday

Hello everyone!
This week's post is about my best holiday, that happened this year!

My family and I went to a big trip, it all started in the first week of February.  We went from Santiago de Chile's airport (SCL) to Arica's airport (called "Chacalluta") in the afternoon, so, we arrived there at night (8 p.m.) and took a taxi to Tacna, Peru.  Once we got there, we stayed in a hostel for the rest of the night.

In the next day, we took the first bus to Cusco, Perú.  It was a 16 hours trip, and we got really tired and, because of the fast altitude change, I felt sick and started vomiting for the rest of the trip.

Once we arrived to Cusco, we took a tour for 4 days-3 nights to Machupicchu, and it was amazing.

During the trip, I met a russian girl and we started talking in english! it was the most amazing thing of all the trip.  I had to help her with the translation from spanish to english, because she didn't get any word the tour guide was saying. (I felt amazing at that moment, and realized that english classes actually work!)

I could keep writing about the trip all day long, but it's time to go now... so...
See you next week!

(pm me if you want to hear/read the full story)

Friday, September 28, 2018

A country i'd like to visit

Hello everyone, it's me, Rodigo here.

If there is any place I would like to visit over any other is Japan.

Japan is a really mistic country, in the east side of the world, it is a really big isle (but not as big as Australia). It has a lot of culture and and places and temples! Japan has over a thousand different temples! it is amazing!  Actually, there is a tradition of visiting all temples of japan to collect stamps and photos of it.

 If I ever going to visit Japan, I would not like to do anything but visit the country, because the money you get paid in Japan is very low in comparison with the ammount you use to live for a month, and the job offer is really bad.

Japan has the biggest center of SEGA, and it has at least 6 floors of pure arcade games and many more! They even have events for lots of prizes everyday! (you can look at https://tempo.sega.jp/en/am/ikebukuro/)

That's all for me, I hope you enjoyed it.
See you next week!